Thursday 10 March 2016

Letting Kids Be Kids

Today's photo(s) of the day captures our children being children (there might be one of a cat being a cat). Climbing trees, playing in our Puriri Park and the flying fox are some of the ways we show that we are committed to providing an environment where 'kids can be kids' and have lots of fun as well as enjoying just being in nature.

Safety of our students is always at the forefront of our decision making, however with the increase of time our children are spending inside and in very controlled environments, we would like to think that we can also provide opportunities for them to explore their natural environment in authentic ways as well as learn essential skills around how to take safe risks. 

Climbing trees (we have a height restriction and rubber mats beneath our Magnolia) gives children the chance to get the 'birds eye view' of the world as well as the feeling of 'yes, I did it'. Swinging through the air on the flying fox gives them a safe 'thrill' without having to lose control, and the range of 'free play' games in our Puriri Park shows that our students are developing the 6 C skills of  thinking creativity, critically and in a caring way.

We really do live in a paradise and Puketaha School is no exception. We will always look for ways we can provide an environment where children are able to play freely, wonder about the world around them, run, jump, climb, crawl and explore as well as be imaginative and connect with nature in order to grow happy, healthy minds and bodies. 

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